Thursday, February 19, 2009

Canine Acupuncture- Principles

I realize that the previous post has some information which may not be familiar to a lot of people. I just had to give you some idea of what was going on in my mind when I was looking at Danny's case. Canine acupuncture and acupuncture treatment in general is based originally on Yin and Yang- the theory of opposites. For simplicity let us assume that Yin represents a negative charge, and Yang, a positive charge. The organism, be it human or animal, is ideally in a state of balance., an equal number of negative and positive charges. When this balance shifts to either a more negative or a more positive state , there is a problem.
Yin also represents a cool, calm and collected state, a description from Cheryl Swartz, a noted veterinary acupuncturist and author. It also represents the substance (our flesh and bones)of the body, Yang is more of fiery, hyper, restless state. It also represents the active movement or energy in the body i.e, the "spark" of life. There is a saying, there can be no yang where there is no Yin and vice versa. This simply means that to have energy you have to have substance from which to draw energy, and if there is no energy, there will be no substance because it takes energy to build substance.
Chinese medical theory also describes Blood, which is akin to the blood flowing through our blood vessels, Chi or Qi, which represents air or vital force, or the nutrients flowing in the blood.

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